How we do it
You’ll see the term ‘scalable’ used again and again on this site. But it’s worth repeating: Aqua21’s technology is scalable. This means that we have something for almost everyone who wants a water treatment system: a person, a household, a business or a community.
At the outset, however, we are targeting a carefully selected group of markets. Why? Because we believe these are significant applications that will deliver the biggest and most beneficial effects — for the environment, for the economy and, most importantly, for users.
Our target markets:
- Medium scale: Industrial applications – such as abstraction, process effluent and grey water treatment – and community water supplies. A suitcase-sized unit.
- Mini scale: Mobile applications – such as disaster relief, military use or village standpipes – and smaller community water supplies. A briefcase-sized unit.
- Micro scale: Point-of-use applications – such as taps and showerheads in homes, leisure centres, schools and hospitals. A mobile-phone-sized unit.
- Combined scale: Remote, isolated or rural community water treatment. These systems can partially replace traditional water supply infrastructure and operations. A combination of medium and micro scale.